Creativity Kits
Enjoy your creativity word kit. This kit is created to inspire and delight you. Use however you choose. Below are some suggestions.
Physical Prompt – Random Item(s)
What story could you write about this item? What does this item feel? What has it seen? What has it heard? Where has it been? OR, brainstorm TEN uses for this item that are unique or new.
Written Prompt – One Word Ticket(s)
Written on this ticket is a prompt. Prompts are words or questions to help us free our creativity and give us ideas for writing and creating. Write whatever comes to your mind about the word on your ticket. Think about any experience you have with the word or subject. If you don’t have any experience with the word, invent a character who does. Don’t like your prompt? Trade with a friend or create your own.
Message of Hope – Either a Tag or Small Jar
What is your message of hope to the world? What is one thing you could say to someone else to give them hope or inspiration during a difficult time? What is something you need to hear when times are tough? The fun part!? Leave for someone to find.
Tea Bag
This bag contains dried teas, lovingly blended. Whenever possible, each tea bag has a label outlining its contents. Steep as desired. The tea filter bag is food grade.
This kit was created as part of the Artist As Changemaker Program, a partnership between local artists, organizations, Calgary Arts Development and the Trico Changemakers Studio (MRU). These kits were made by artist MelVee X.
Visit @calgaryartsdev @tricostudiomru @melveex